In this short film presented by the Time Museum in Rockford Illinois (closed in the 90s), businessman and watch enthusiast...
Educational talks about horology by expert watchmakers and horologists in the field. We’ll be adding some of the most influential and interesting horological talks to this page. This is part of the Horology School section.
This is the original lecture given by Dr. Matthew Clark on the topic of Hairspring Dynamics for American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute...
This is the original lecture given by Dr. Matthew Clark on the topic of isochronism and positional adjustment. Dr. Matthew...
This is a fascinating lecture by Roger W. Smith, presented at the Horological Society of New York in December 2017....
This is the original lecture given by George Daniels at the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute (AWCI) in June of 1990. This...
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Probably a dumb question but can a 6497 be converted to a 6498?
This is not correct. You have 2 years to register and you get an extra…
Should have added that in this watch, it's non-hackable and has a ghost date.
This movement is in the Xeric Trappist-1 auto NASA edition.
Okk, thanks a lot
ETA specifies the power reserve to 38h