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[Sticky] How to post pics

2 Posts
2 Users
1 Reactions
Posts: 81
Topic Starter 2 weeks ago

Currently only one image can be attached per post when using the Attachments option. It's limiting, yes, and the CC Forum admin is trying to implement a better solution. Please use it in the meantime.

You can also drop a .jpg URL anywhere in your post and it should render it.

So for example, you can use, upload images there and drop the image link in the post. It must be the image link (right click and copy image URL), not the page link!

Keep in mind that some sites don't allow hotlinking, so there's a chance you may drop a .jpg URL and it won't show the image. Also, if the image gets deleted on whatever site you're hosting it on, it will be deleted here too, and you may not want that.

Posts: 61
Trusted Member
2 weeks ago

Thanks for the update. 

Seagull Caliber St19

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