Seiko Caliber 7t62

Seiko Caliber 7T62

Seiko Caliber 7t62

Manufacturer Seiko
Caliber Number 7T62 / 7T62A
Type Quartz
Diameter 12”’ (24.1mm x 27.6mm)
Battery Cell Number 395/399 (SR927W)
Quartz Type Tuning fork type quartz crystal
32,768 Hz (cycles per second)
Driving System
4 part step motor
Stem 351580 (tap 10 )
Hacking Seconds?
Hand Sizes 1.10mm / 0.65mm / 0.20mm for chrono and subdials
Functions Hours, minutes, small seconds, central chronograph seconds, split time, 60 minute counter, date, alarm
Country of Manufacture Japan
Known Models Seiko Velatura (add more in the comments below)

This Seiko caliber 7T62 (actually marked 7T62A) was found in a Velatura model watch here. This quartz movement was made in Japan and features an alarm and chronograph. It is a 0 jewels movement. The caseback has a Piezo attached for the alarm tone (part 4589 801).

7T62 vs YM62

You may also see a similar caliber known as the Hattori or SII YM62. The YM62 is basically the same movement as the 7T62 except that it is sold to other watch companies and used in non-Seiko branded timepieces. Learn more about Hattori/SII/TMI/Epson here. It may be possible to interchange these movements, but the height is slightly taller than the 7T62 (see here).

7T62 vs 7T92

The caliber 7T92 is another popular Seiko quartz chronograph movement. These two calibers are sometimes mixed up. The big difference is that the 7T62 listed here has an alarm and a 1/5 second chronograph that measures up to 60 minutes. The 7T92 has a 1/20 second chronograph that measures up to 12 hours. The 7T92 does not have an alarm.

7T62 vs 7T32

You may see other collectors refer to the caliber 7T62 as an evolution of the original 7T32 quartz movement, however, keep in mind that one huge difference between the two movements is that after replacing the battery, the 7T32 required performing an AC (or all clear) reset by using a wire, tweezers, or a paperclip to touch the positive side of the installed battery with the AC contact (there will be a hole labeled “AC” with an arrow). The caliber 7T62 does not have an AC button or hole.

Chronograph Function

The chrono hand on the 7T62 pulsates 5 times per second. This also allows this movement to measure 1/5 of a second when using the chronograph feature. To reset the central chronograph hand: pull the crown to position 2 and hold the bottom chrono pusher until the hand is at 12:00. Long pressing will make the hand advance faster.

Alarm / Second Time Zone

The 7T62 has an alarm function that doubles as a second time zone subdial. The alarm can be set to ring once in the next 12 hours. To set the alarm, pull the crown to position 1 then press the bottom pusher to advance the alarm time. when you get the time you want, push the crown back in.


Seiko claims that the caliber 7T62 will maintain accuracy of +/- 15 seconds per month at normal operating temperatures of about 41F to 95F. The alarm is accurate to +/- 1 minute.

Replacement Price

Replacement prices of this watch movement were found online in the range of $65.95 – $71.99.

Battery Change

In the manual, Seiko claims that the battery should last approximately 3 years. Keep in mind that the battery will drain faster if you leave the chronograph second hand running – specifically if the chrono is used for more than 2 hours per day or if the alarm rings more than 20 seconds per day. There is also a low battery indicator which will cause the small second hand to jump every 2 seconds. Low battery mode also prohibits the alarm from sounding off. The time on your watch will maintain accuracy even in low battery mode.

The original battery in the watch was also made in Japan by Seiko. The size is SR927W which should convert to a 395 or 399 cell.

Resetting the Chronograph Hand to Zero

There are two hands related to the chronograph function: The central 1/5 second hand and the stopwatch minute hand subdial. To reset the chronograph hands to 12:00 or zero on the dial, first pull the crown out to position 2 (2 clicks to time-setting mode). Hold the top chronograph button for about 2 seconds until the stopwatch minute hand turns in a full circle. Now use the bottom chrono button to advance the hand where you want it (holding the button will make the hand advance faster). Press the top chrono button again to switch to adjusting the big central seconds hand. Press the bottom chrono button to advance the hand to where you want it. Push the crown back in.

More watches with this movement:

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Sam G
Sam G
6 years ago

Online, this movement seems to generally be regarded as very reliable. The only issues I have come accross with it are as follows: 1: Chronograph not responding to *any* input from pushers after battery change (often running until it times out). Potential causes (My believed cause): Watch sat with leaky battery and corroded/oxidized the B (lower) pusher contacts. While actuating presser B, watch the lever that moves within the recessed area for the battery. Use a loupe or other strong magnification to check for corrosion. Potential fixes: Use a very small amount of alcohol with a brush to clean the… Read more »

CeeLo Green
CeeLo Green
5 years ago
Reply to  Sam G

Tip: I’ve used V371 (for a short-time period) – V395 and V399 (for the normal time period) batteries. They áll worked just fine in this 7T62 movement !!!

S. Epson Corp. Caliber YM62A Watch Movement |
6 years ago

[…] caliber YM62 is based on the Seiko caliber 7T62. It is found in non-Seiko branded watches. It may be a possible replacement for the 7T62, however, […]

6 years ago

In the battery compartment of the 7t62A what is the Orange tab and its purpose. In my seiko that Orange tab has turned to dust exposing a small circuit. Should that have contact with the battery or with the gold like prongs the connect to the battery? or should that circuit be insulated from both prongs and battery. Even after a battery change my trusty Seiko is not working because that orange tab disintegrated when removing the battery

6 years ago
Reply to  JJ

Are you talking about the translucent brown thing? It’s called an insulator. If yours turned to dust then it’s likely that it crystallized and disintegrated due to an old leaking battery. I hope someone corrects me if I’m wrong but I think they use them in these quartz movements to protect against improperly touching part of the movement that could cause it to short circuit. Based on the pic with the tweezers, it looks like the order should be 1. gold prongs at the bottom, 2. insulator in the middle, 3. battery on top. Are you sure you didn’t short… Read more »

Mr. Richard Leblanc
Mr. Richard Leblanc
4 years ago
Reply to  Watchgeek

I will try in anglais. My 7T62 mouvement once not wanted to start, so I resetted it by very tip-touché short-circuiting it. After this, mon watch was okay

3 years ago
Reply to  Watchgeek

May I know how much the insulator costs? Thank you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gemini

I don’t think they sell just the insulator. If they do it’s probably like $5-10.

Seiko Caliber 7T92 Watch Movement |
5 years ago

[…] caliber 7T62 is another popular Seiko quartz chronograph movement. These two calibers are sometimes mixed up […]

Karl Napp
Karl Napp
5 years ago

This movement is also used in the Seiko Flightmaster SND411.

5 years ago
Reply to  Karl Napp

This one Btw it’s SNA411, not SND

Jones Foyer
Jones Foyer
5 years ago

This movement is also in the SBDP021 Seiko Speedmaster, with a production of only 600 watches. Interestingly, the movement is used in the bullhead orientation with crown at the top and the date is not exposed (but likely present) under the face of the watch.

D Midgley
D Midgley
4 years ago

This is used in SNAA30 nitrided titanium chronograph, very good battery is now 4 year old and still working well, plus a classy looking watch and now not on sale

4 years ago

What does 0 jewels mean?

4 years ago
Reply to  Carlos

It means it has zero jewels.

Joe Bloe
Joe Bloe
1 year ago
Reply to  Carlos

Mechanical watches use jewels to hold / position some of the gears. This style watch is electronic. No moving parts that require suspension of the gear shafts.

Seiko SNA411 “Flighmaster” – SaFonaGastroCrono
4 years ago

[…] SNA411 porta el calibre 7T62, un derivado del 7T34, pero con dos pulsadores menos. Como suele ser habitual, es fácil encontrar […]

4 years ago

Can this calibre work properly with a sr920sw Sony battery? Thanks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mariano

It’s always better to use the correct battery, but I this in reverse for a TAG Heuer watch once. It called for a 371/SR920SW but I put in a 395 SR297SW to get more battery life out of it. No issues and perfect timekeeping. I haven’t tried a SR920SW battery in my Seiko watch, but comparing the two batteries it is close to being the same as the SR927SW, except the SR920SW is slightly thinner and has 40mAh capacity, so it won’t last as long as the SR927SW with 55mAh. As long as the the top battery holder prong is… Read more »

4 years ago

Looking for a Y185b movement Epson, Thanks in advance

4 years ago

Looking for an Epson Y185b movement, thanks in advance.

Giovanni Braia
Giovanni Braia
3 years ago

Hi I have a sportura 7T62A and in need of the white bezel seal. Can anyone recommend where I can buy one?

3 years ago

I have one of these movements in an old watch. Changed the battery but it will not start. Tried the master reset to no avail. Any suggestions on options.

Tammy Sharon Loretta Stafford
Tammy Sharon Loretta Stafford
3 years ago

A perfectly priced solid workhorse chronograph movement for timing events in the gym.Alarm is quite loud too.

Owner Review: Seiko 7T62-0GK0 Tank - FIFTH WRIST
3 years ago

[…] 7T62 movement was introduced in the very early 2000’s is a fairly low-end modern Seiko workhorse with plastic […]

3 years ago

Some batches of the SNA411 Seiko Pilot are fitted with this movement.

3 years ago

Reply to myself.. Someone already wrote this.

【F】 Seiko Flightmaster: A Speedmaster+Navitimer-Inspired Love Child –
3 years ago

[…] this case, it is the abilities of the quartz movement, caliber 7T62, that make it a Speedmaster killer. The standard precision of quartz and end-of-life indicator for […]

3 years ago

Sna743 also with this movement
Love the watch, trying to get the battery replaced
Alarm stopped years ago.
Any ideas?

andrew collinge
andrew collinge
2 years ago

looking for a 7t62 replacement mechanism for my pulsar chronograph watch or a price to have it replaced.

2 years ago

I have a Sportura watch which has 7t62movement according to dial, but inside it has ym62 a . Does Seiko use ym62 movements inside SEIKO branded watches? Acoording to me it is no.

But is there any issue about watch functionalties? Can i say it is original? what should i call this watch? 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  calibercorner

Thank you very much for reply. Since i do not know the history, i cannot say anything about it. I was just buying this watch, seller claims %100 original but i told him as you said “movement changed somewhere in time”. He did not accpet, so i did not buy. Very useful information here. Thanks again.

2 years ago

excellent watch just be careful to not to change the date between 9PM to 1PM otherwise you will probably break down one or two gear! this experiment cost me 30$

1 year ago
Reply to  Hossein

This has happened to mine.. his was it fixed please?

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Mine was broken one gear and the watch hour hand didn’t pass at 12PM, i’ve taken my watch to a Pro Guy and he changed the broken Gear it was a very smal one. You can’t fix it yourself if you don’t have experience with repairing a watch, Go to a professional watchmaker they change one or two small Gear and will fix it for you.

1 year ago

The 7t62 movement is also used in Seiko Arctura alarm chronograph eg. SNAC15P1,and SNAD10P1.

Brooks Truitt
Brooks Truitt
1 year ago

The 7T62 is also used in the Seiko SNA141P (Case 0BZ0 – green face, titanium case).
Great watch, I’ve had it since ~2006.

Ian Watson
Ian Watson
1 year ago

Oddly, found in some Lorus Fusion’s as usually a YM is found in Pulsar’s and Lorus’s (or is that Lorii? :P)

1 year ago

outstanding this watch

1 year ago

Do you know the precise diameter of the O-ring joint around the back cover?

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