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Issue with Soprod C125-Zodiac ZO3557 Super Sea Wolf LHD Pro-Diver GMT

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Topic Starter 1 year ago

I have the Zodiac ZO3557 Super Sea Wolf LHD Pro-Diver GMT. It stops periodically. Does anyone know what could be causing this? 

Posts: 114
1 year ago

Hi LukerS, the more information you can provide, the better...

  • Did you test it with full power reserve (~40 turns of the crown)?
  • How long does it run?
  • Does it start back up with a gently shake or tap or do you have to wind it again?
  • Please be more specific as to what periodically means, when exactly? Wearing the watch? With the watch flat on the table?
  • When is the last time you recall it running a full power reserve without stopping? 

Also when did you get it? Still under warranty?

pamoh liked
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Topic Starter 1 year ago

Just purchased it recently second hand, supposedly new removed link   It does not look worn.  The band showed signs of wearing after a day.  The seller didn't have the original receipt.  I'm not sure if it is fully winding.  It acts like it isn't getting to full power reserve.  There is a click when winding around every 3 turns which I do not experience with my other zodiac GMT (same movement I believe).  It will start back and go for a bit with a tap.  It will go for a while with a few shakes, but I believe I hear the same click after I shake it a few times.  I can return it, but I got a good deal and it is worth at least investigating my options.

Posts: 2
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1 year ago

The click you hear almost sounds like the click for the winding. But could also be the slipping of the mainspring in the barrel, if that's the case it could be the cause of the low running time.Maybe even a broken mainspring which just gets enough friction to run the watch.

Do you have a timegrapher to see wat the movement does? 

Dryfly liked
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Topic Starter 1 year ago

I now have two other watches with the same zodiac movement and I can confirm that the click is not normal.  I don't have a timegrapher, but I was thinking about getting one.  Is there one you recommend or is it basically the type of situation where it either works or it doesn't?

Posts: 5
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11 months ago


I've only used the one I own, but I've used it quite a bit over several years with no issues. It is a Weishi No. 1000. I believe they're about $200 on Amazon.

There are other brands with no brand name on the timegrapher other than No.1000, they all look exactly identical, and I believe that they are all made by the same unknown company and sold under several different brands. My brother has one of these that cost him closer to $100 on Amazon and it seems to work as well as mine, they both give basically identical reading on a given watch.

Posts: 2
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11 months ago

Either weishi 1000 or 1800 is good, 1800 is what I use and I like the higher res color screen a lot. The clicking you hear when is it exactly? I do still believe it's the slipping of the mainspring looking at what you typed earlier which could be an issue out of the factory or it has been tampered with. 

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