In this short film presented by the Time Museum in Rockford Illinois (closed in the 90s), businessman and watch enthusiast...
George Daniels
In Omega’s own words: “The introduction of the OMEGA Co-Axial escapement in 1999 signalled a revolution in modern mechanical watchmaking....
This is a fascinating lecture by Roger W. Smith, presented at the Horological Society of New York in December 2017....
This is the original lecture given by George Daniels at the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute (AWCI) in June of 1990. This...
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My Hamilton chronograph: With the crown pointing horizontally out – minus 2 seconds a day.…
You will encounter countless issues trying to do this: the holes in the dial won't…
Horrible movement. Mine was running -40 per day, almost 1ms beat error. Had it serviced,…
Does anyone know if this caliber is actually an in-house Cartier caliber, or is it…
I do get a little tired of having to guess the ins and outs of…
Fantastic movement, this series of movements from eta are one of the best imo.
Hi Bobmartens, the chart has been updated. Please see the section "Caliber 763 VS 763E"…