Eta Caliber 2813

ETA Caliber 2813?

Eta Caliber 2813

What you may see listed as an ETA 2813 clone, is not actually an ETA clone at all. In fact, there is not an ETA 2813 to clone. It is also not an ETA 2824-2 clone.

The caliber 2813 (sometimes called A2813 – A for Asia or Asian 2813) is closer to being a Miyota 8215 clone, although there are some notable differences.

Caliber 2813 is a Chinese movement, apparently produced by several factories such as Dixmont in Guangzhou (also Mingzhu, Nanning NN2813, Beijing). This explains why the caliber number is often written as DG2813.

Here is a quote from a 2813 seller:

“Professional 2813 watch movement. Fine and exquisite workmanship. Essential watch parts, convenient for you to replace watch movement.” –Source

The same seller also shows images of the 2813 with seems like fingerprints, debris, and even rust looking substance on the stem.

It’s not a bad movement to learn on. For the low price, you can practice taking it apart and putting it back together without worrying too much about damaging it.

Full specs for the DG-2813 here

Check the current price here

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4 years ago

Looks Chinese to me

4 years ago

It is chinese. The most common automatic movement that comes out of China. Works for about a year then stops. Cleaning and lubricating it upon purchase will make it run for years. However at a price of $20 it is usually just replaced instead of being serviced. I’ve had one running since 2017 and I am going to see how long it can last with annual service lol.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

So should i even buy a watch with a 2813 movement?

William Shatner
William Shatner
2 years ago
Reply to  Tjschakow

Yes, you could do this with no regrets. They’ll just work fine when you let them be serviced every 8 years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Really it stops. Where do you know? Are you a horologist? You are definitely wrong. Yes, there is QC problem but they work generally very well. Yours is a bias, and as far as I sense, your bias does not only cover watches in China. Very soon, Chinese manufacturers will take over the entire world’s production of automatic watch movements. This is inevitable. I wonder what you will say then? I’m not a lawyer for the Chinese, but it is necessary to be a little realistic and conscientious. You don’t have to be racist.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gokhan

It is foolish and misinformed, but not racist. The Chinese are a strong, intelligent people. They do not need you to stick up for them.

What the world needs are more Chinese-designed watches, instead of copied “homages.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Skip

Gokhan is a Chinese plant.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gokhan

Chinese are 200% not gonna “take over worlds production of movements” and you wanna talk about bias?!?! Every word you typed is by definition bias lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Hi,..I have 3 watches that have this dg2813 movement the first I bought in 2003, the 2nd and 3rd I bought in 2006,…all three of them are still running and keeping accurate time to date now 12/15/2022 without any servicing what so ever, in my opinion these movement are fine and I believe I will definitely use them in any diy builds,..I believe that because of the fact that they’re produced in China cheaply we’ve developed a prejudice towards them,…fellas, I’m old enough to remember “made in Japan” in the 60’s and 70’s and the prejudice of Japanese products then… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Skate

Your experience and comment is much appreciated. Thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Skate

Que movimiento de mejor calidad seria compatible con el dg2813

1 year ago
Reply to  Gerardo

Usa ese sin miedo, no fallan y si pasara compra otro. Eso que escribo suena indefinido lo se. yo siempre fui enemigo de comprar cosas chinas ahora busco sus mecanismos o movimientos que aunque clonados hacen su trabajo. si aun asi quieres otro tipo ETA 2824 o solo busca las nismas specs en las panis de fabricantes

1 year ago
Reply to  Skate

I like your two cents I’ve been buying Chinese watches now for about six months I have about 20 and 65 years old I got into watches in the early 80s my thing back then was the boulevard Acutron win nobody wanted those Watches anymore I love those watches even today but I find that the Chinese do an excellent job watch making

1 year ago
Reply to  Luckey

Sorry Bulova Acutron

1 year ago
Reply to  Luckey

Imagine nukes

1 year ago
Reply to  Skate

im old enough remember China clone nokia n88 phone in 2010, has touch screen and 4 speakers, at that time everyone laughed at people who used the china phone. Today China has large know brand Huawei..

3 years ago

Truly a trash movement. Had a Parnis with one. After about two or three months it started grinding like it was full of sand when I tried do wind and set the time. Should have gone for the model with the Miyota movement. It wouldn’t surprise me to find eyelashes, fingerprints and even snot when if I open the back [that’s more a critique of the overall product, but I venture to say the movement came out like crap direct from the factory).

Howard Lyttle
Howard Lyttle
3 years ago
Reply to  CJ

Believe me the miyota 8215 cant be any better.! That too feels like its full of sand when winding and has a jittery second hand between 10 and 30 seconds. Even to the naked eye its quite clear the second hand between 10 and 30 seconds is unstable. Keep to NH35 movements if available and you cant go wrong. A completely reliable and stable movement at a rock bottom price.!

2 years ago
Reply to  CJ

You are definitely wrong. You are not definitely a watch lover. Watch aficionados never speak your style. Regardless of the quality of the watch, they do not fit eyelashes and mucus in it. In fact, you are expressing your anger towards the Chinese, you are racist and you are doing pornography. Yes, there is QC problem some in Chinese caliber production but they work generally very well. Yours is a bias, and as far as I sense, your bias does not only cover watches in China. Very soon, Chinese manufacturers will take over the entire world’s production of automatic watch… Read more »

demir aydin
demir aydin
2 years ago
Reply to  Gokhan

Chinese manufacturer will never take over the entire world’s automatic watch movements. First they must stop copy without innovation. They copy and make junk of the copy. This is copy of Miyota and they copy the name from ETA. Copy,copy,copy. I wonder do they also copy from each other others Chinese factories or only from outside China companies?

2 years ago
Reply to  demir aydin

Wait and see.

Jean du Moulin
Jean du Moulin
2 years ago
Reply to  demir aydin

Chinese watch factories already make 65% of the world’s entire watch production. Calibers and fully build watches alike.

So you’re right, Demir, these Chinese factories won’t take over the globe’s watch production, because they already are inthe proccess to do this, very successfully too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gokhan

You sound like an angry man, is this because you’ve been upgraded at work to eyelash picking from shite watches?

Gökhan Dereli
Gökhan Dereli
2 years ago
Reply to  Gazt

No, I’m not an angry person. I just try to be fair, realistic and serious. I don’t like unfounded criticism, I don’t like those who pretend to know without knowing it. I am also retired and have a very prosperous life and hundreds of very precious hours. Except for my houses and my cars and my children and grandchildren, of course. If you work hard, you will too. Don’t mind it.

Big scooter
Big scooter
2 years ago
Reply to  Gokhan

Seriously dude, you are an idiot. Go play with your toes or something.

2 years ago
Reply to  Big scooter

Poor guy, you just look like an idiot indeed. Why don’t you just shut up or kiss!!! yourself.

Elliott Draisen
Elliott Draisen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gökhan

Gökhan, you’re so right here.

Elliott Draisen
Elliott Draisen
2 years ago
Reply to  Big scooter

Leave Gökhan alone, he’s right !

1 year ago
Reply to  Gokhan

I believe Chinese watch industry will kill many other watch industry like cellphone, car, consumer electronics and so on. I bought 10+ chinese homage watch only in this year.

2 years ago
Reply to  CJ

I have 4 watches with this movement
3 function very well and I have them for 3 years. Only one I had problem, stopped working properly in 3 months.

Advice for any automatic watch:
Don’t change time/date between 22 h – 02:00
Always check if the bottom that you use to change time and date are really closed, there is no gap that can enter dust

2 years ago
Reply to  CJ

they found a human hair in my movement 🙂

Bobby R Crawford
Bobby R Crawford
1 year ago
Reply to  ef

Your movements are like mine.

1 month ago

Mine too – must have been something I ate..

3 years ago

I have a 2813 that has been running very well a couple/three years inside a $80 Homage Hulk. It runs about 20 seconds slow in a week. It is quite a good workhorse movement for very little money.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lars

That’s it…

2 years ago

It’s a hit or miss or movement. I’ve had excellent ones that run at +1 sec/day for years. Then I had another that had a modified GMT function which imploded within a month.
My advice, stick to the basic ones with just a date function, or even better just 3 hands.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

That’s it.

Paul Hanel
Paul Hanel
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

This can happen with any movement. I returned a Selita SW200 because the rotor stopped winding and I own an ETA 2824 that runs 15 seconds slow. I wouldn’t bet against Chinese products of any kind. Witness Japanese cars and California wine. Both were considered subpar and now lead the world.

Your moms side piece
Your moms side piece
1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel

2813 isn’t a 4 hand movement it’s a 3, so how can it run a GMT hand? Oh so it’s modified, meaning it was changed to perform differently than how it was originally made and intended to perform. If that was your only 2813 that failed, are you really scratching your head why that is? Don’t think too hard you might break your butt. We’d prefer that you continue to come around and bless us with your entertaining stories

2 years ago

Thanks for this. It stopped me from buying one!

1 year ago
Reply to  Terry

It’s now stopped me from buying several. Thanks guys

2 years ago

I have two very humble watches from China and they have this movement, no problem at all. I don’t wear them frequently and they are waiting mostly in my watch box even under these conditions no problem. No weird sound nothing when adjusting. I agree one of the views below sticks to the basic ones. Complicated mechanism production is another thing not for the Chinese market. Thus, if you will use this caliber, stay safe and simple no problem.

2 years ago

I’ve got a replica Sea-Dweller. I’m looking to buy a 2813. I like watches. Their provenance is not a deciding factor. If the DG2813 is a copy , what other movement might fit in my watch?
BTW CC is fabulous. So glad you’re here.

2 years ago

P.S. Caliber corner, when can we have accounts? Hopefully soon?

2 years ago

Eta doesn’t make the 2813. The 2813 is a Chinese movement. A self winding movement a cheap but worthwhile watch movement. I’ve several watches powered by this.

Tonni højby pedersen
Tonni højby pedersen
2 years ago

It dosent stop ive had mine for 2 years and there is a big difference between all the 2813 made mine has been perfect for 2 years with about 3 sec +- i think that is fine

Mingzhu Caliber DG5833 Watch Movement | Caliber Corner
2 years ago

[…] DG2813 […]

2 years ago

Hi, I would like to know, all dimension specification of caliber Seagull 2813. Can someone help me??

1 year ago

do anyone know why watch clones with 2813 are ususally much thicker than original ones? The back cover is more convex. Is it somehow related to the calibre size?

R collings
R collings
1 year ago

can the Caliber 2813 be a direct replacement for the 690 quartz movement?

7 months ago

“DG” in DG2813 is from Dixemont Guangzhou.

6 months ago


3 months ago

Informative. Thank you!

Seagull Caliber St19

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