In this short film presented by the Time Museum in Rockford Illinois (closed in the 90s), businessman and watch enthusiast...
Watchmaking Videos
In this series of videos, SolimBD shows his process of how to service a Tissot Powermatic 80 (aka ETA caliber...
This is a fascinating lecture by Roger W. Smith, presented at the Horological Society of New York in December 2017....
Recent Comments
Bragdur Protektor uses the VK64 movement.
I have about a dozen Seiko watches, an older Scuba with 6R15 and a similar…
My Hamilton H70575733 has this movement. On my wrist during the day, it runs about…
I have this Mathey-Tissot with this movement that was gifted to me in the early…
Probably a dumb question but can a 6497 be converted to a 6498?
This is not correct. You have 2 years to register and you get an extra…
Should have added that in this watch, it's non-hackable and has a ghost date.